WOD O’Clock: The “Filthy Fifty”
Need a good at-home workout for this quarantine period when no gyms are open, but don’t want to go running again? I’ve got the perfect one for you. This workout is also great for when you’re traveling and need to stick to body-weight movements. Known as the Filthy Fifty in the CrossFit world, you will have this workout completed in under 30 minutes. The movements are as follows, and this is For Time, meaning as fast as you can.
50 sit ups
50 air squats
50 hollow rocks
50 ft bear crawl
50 jumping jacks
50 push-ups
50 glute bridges
50 skater jumps
50 burpees
Now don’t worry if some of these movements look to be too much. There is always a scaled version of a movement that still works the same muscle groups. I can do push-ups, but 50 of them in a row? No way, I’m just not there yet. If you don’t think you can knock out 50 plank shoulder taps, do a 50-second plank hold instead, breaking as necessary. Next up is the hollow rock. If you watched the video, practiced rocking and found it a little too challenging for 50 reps, simply hold the hollow position for a total of 50 seconds, breaking whenever needed. A good goal is 5 rounds of 10 second holds. Instead of holding your hands overhead, you can also reach them toward your feet and hold that position instead. Push-ups were the hardest movement in this workout for me. After the first 20, I was ready to go to my knees for the rest of them. If you would prefer to scale more than that, elevate your hands by using a chair or bench for another version of the modified push-up.
And hey, if you’d like to try this but are worried the high reps are going to leave you too sore, cut them down! Do 25 or 30 reps of each instead. The only goal here is to get up, be active, and break a sweat, so give it your best shot and let me know how you do! Post your time in the comments below. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.